Vehicle Fleet Assets - Single View
If your business manages a fleet of vehicles, it can be challenging to keep track of all the data related to each vehicle. The Vehicle Single View in WorkSignals presents a single view of all data related to a specific vehicle, including its make, model, year, VIN, color, and more.
From the Vehicle Single View, users can create, view, and update Maintenance Records, Inventory Check Records, Safety Inspection Records, and other data accumulated over time. This streamlined approach ensures that all vehicle data is kept in one place, making it easier for users to access, manage, and report on.
From the ease of a QR code in vehicle, authorised users can jump straight to the vehicle single view to view and modify data.
For example, users scan the QR code and select 'create a Maintenance Record' for a vehicle each time repairs are carried out or services completed. track repairs, oil changes, and other maintenance tasks. Similarly, the Inventory Check can be used to ensure that all necessary items are present in the vehicle, such as a spare tire, jack, and first aid kit.
Selecting 'Create Safety Inspection form' can be used to ensure that each vehicle is safe to operate. Users can track items such as functioning lights, brakes, and other safety features, as well as proper maintenance and documentation of repairs.
In addition to the above, any outstanding tasks related to the vehicle asset are also shown in the Vehicle Single View. This feature ensures that users are always aware of any necessary repairs or maintenance tasks that need to be completed, keeping their vehicles in top condition and reducing downtime. As with other functionality, a user can create a task for the vehicle by scanning the available QR code.
Overall, the "Vehicle Single View" in WorkSignals is an excellent tool for businesses that manage a fleet of vehicles. By providing a centralized location for all vehicle data, it streamlines the management process and ensures that all data is captured and tasks are completed at the correct time when the information is available.
To see the "Vehicle Single View" in action, try out the demo below.