Checking Out and Checking In Assets

WorkSignals has a simple built in mechanism for allowing check-out and check-in of shared assets in the company.

Why is this useful?

It's easy to lose track of things at work, and keeping track of them in a centralised place involves a lot of discipline, time, and administration overhead.

Using WorkSignals, a QR Code can be printed, attached to an asset, and scanned to easily Check Out, Check In, and look up the current status of any assets.

Using our Guest Users feature, you can optionally allow staff to Check Out / Check In who don't even have an account or have the app installed.

How does it work?

Geoff in your organisation scans a QR code on an asset and selects 'Check Out'. Notes are optionally added, and the check-out is recorded in the system.

Another staff member, David, in your organisation is looking for the asset. They can sign in to Work Signals, open the asset, and see that it was Checked Out by Geoff yesterday to the jobsite.

When Geoff is done with the asset, they can scan the QR code and 'Check In'. We'll record the time, date, and any notes against the asset.

It's a single field to add to any existing assets in WorkSignals, so it's an easy setup.

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